About Doc Music

Welcome to Documenting Music on Blogspot!

The genesis of this notion to create a music site came earlier this year when I met my new friend Mike at Northwest.  Though we came from two divergent musical capacities (I always wrote music, and he produced music) we noticed our generally fond appreciation for the melodies of life.  And while he enjoyed more pop-oriented composition, and I acoustic, we customarily treasured each others taste, per say.

One day in particular before class, we swapped some of our favorite songs on paper, to listen at our leisure. What came next was nothing short of memorable - listening to some of his favorite music, my sense of music was broadened.  It was a cheerful memory.

The purpose of this site is to document music and share it with other.  With each song posted, I will try my best to find the meaning and tenor of the song. I hope with each posting, that YOUR sense of music will be broadened - and hey, you might find new music/bands/songs/genres you've never been informed of. :)

All warmth,

McCaylen Croninger
- Site Founder & Creator

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